I'm talking to the rain goddess,
telling her everything
that burps and whistles
is not really going to death
but to a deeper life
and we're floating
she tells me to enjoy
these dreams in their sweet decay
to embrace what fades
for its own existence
she strokes me
with the tenderness of smoke
rolling her thick hips
across my shallow grave
where vines pull me out
and shoots of bamboo
rescue my vertebrae
for her whips to cross over
we're dancing on cubes
of fluorescent air
I ask who's leading and she laughs
I take off my breastplate of script
and she laughs
I take off my radiant colors
I remove my cabinet arms
and cupboard legs
and she laughs like ivy
tendrils spreading and snaking in rhythm
she is oiling all the engines
in all my grey garages
til I come spilling out like silk
to worship her with shields
and whole civilizations
I take off my lasso
of computerized paperwork
and she laughs like a storm
I take off my leash of dreams
and she gives me a new sleep
I take off my sinews of money
she boils the ringleader
I eat of the ringleader
and when finally she lies down with me
something of her has gone
to the waves and the violent flowers
where we are no longer crashing
so I hoist her to shoreline
fresh in my arms to awaken
and I weep
like the lines on a fucking rock.