Wednesday, May 31, 2023

A vivid cloud's sharp edges
make the sky curdle

planets kissing
on the blank horizon
me dead to all human sound
in a planted chair.

Beads of weeping metal walls
forming embers and lazy letters.

Shadow bangs
on a statue's forehead
the future's roar
a painted mushroom cloud
thrashed wings
of her waiting caw.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Frozen ropes of ecstasy imagined
a leaf turned like a doll
beneath the sun-whipped clouds
ivy on concrete pillars
air balloon's ladder of ashen hands
the dove's tail between
many aggravated waves
the lips of the ripped trees.

All membrane-deep in ribbons
unseen blowing through my guided blood
tar hills within dirt valleys
and hills of raving pine
the thud of a disturbed street sign
faint far-off hallways
with pipes of song.

Leftover light
from a bargain keyhole
ripples of touched infinity
pimped out for paper gold.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Iron bulbs
glowing on the walls
of purple night,
cracked glass people
frozen on the sidewalks,
doorways dripping letters
of ironic heat,
two dogs in suspension
drifting from the previous moment
in mid-snarl, rinks
of expressive ice.

Satyrs with steak tipped limbs
modeling togas of fire,
pools of oil beaming
in the slabs of electric light,
me catching a gashed reflection.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Magnolia blossoms
on a half-dead tree,
shine gone from more
than half the leaves
but the flower radiates
the force that's left.

Scenes with missing people
where I see its petals floating
as a bright reminder.

Airport benches
masked in evil light
and the shadows
of benevolent machine guns
fall under the spell
of the desperate magnolia

files and lines of mowed-down
faint material becoming
throbbing hearts, reflected deaths
of the bloom that is a wound
to all its dying branches,
roots and gathered vines
the glory in relentless decline.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

You are the light I did not choose
something strangely anointed
pillars enwrapped in bleeding vines
could not uphold or fall upon
the grace of your feline envelope
your numberless nimbus
or cape of feathered blades

I'll watch from the dock
beyond echoes
your craft moving
on a wave of many waves
the tide held back
before your lunar inlet.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Fences painted by the acid of the sky
field after square field
multiplying toward the incline
that cuts them off into the air

ferns of the soil's feeling
blowing on a cracked ledge
what the roots understand in rot
as I hold in my hand your glowing embers
jewels or some clump of hair
you left behind
to gather me like a twig
in a rolling snowball

to set me up in some galactic ray
and melt me true to form.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Branches on fire with longing
scattered on slanted
and stone-clad land
firecats with moss and mold
on their faces
supremely active
in an unknown world.

Fantasies of flesh becoming spirit
in some gnostic fuckfest
rinds of the fruit flung to the wind
bright pools of metal seed
collecting in their curves
split tongues with alarmed eyes
beatific android rule.

Call me a cab with a javelin
club down these wires intact
and flash me home.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Borrowed by
a wheel of leaves
my life pulled ever outward
by its shiny form's
corrosive ring of hearts
blade's light
on the strange revival

someone summons
cemeteries in their sleep
someone turns on the fertile engine
somebody unseen remembers

I was roasted on a vinyl trap
carved out from almost nothing
on a concrete arc
with many mouths bleeding

at dusk a streetlit magnolia
at dawn the same shine multiplied
finds me wanting
bronze baskets of lead lilies
and highlight reels
of perfectly sheltered rain,

on the outdoor mattress
thrown from an exploded window
found on a golf course
with my form naked as a broken bone

the morning with its many acorns
is spreading like oil.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The vines that sing
and the vines that claw

long ropes of baked rock
far between them
shimmering in waves
of relentless light.

The creak of a moving drawbridge
exploding with butterflies and flowers
above the water that speaks
above the water that knows all names
and fills up mysterious basins
far down beyond
the reaching and raging thorns.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Kaleidoscopes crushing hills
swirling in distempered
heat of echoes
my hand in hand paper dolls
silhouetted on the glossy light
that paints a moss drenched cliff
the zig zags
of brush tipped animals
all bolting home.

Wings in their swoops of effort
braced against ships
of rank robotic wind
flak's flowers
rhyming to the tucked in fields
that vision heals.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

She was lit up
by the glow of an opal,
set apart among spoons of ivory
and stained silk ceramic jars.

Twilight provoked by fire
surrounded like a ring of dancers
hands held twirling and kicking
around the shine
of her bluebird lipstick
hoops beside her crazy smile.

Form was a rash of stars
before she had it gathered
I waited by the windows of
her ship in many tides

nosing the aftermath
like a horizon's glider
hills of wheat and
dusk swollen with water
dark light for the queen of the plains.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Let love pour through
the seething polarities
of time and space
and darkly increase them,
harp ringed by a sheer circle
of broken crescent moons,
light from unseen edges
flowing over the welcome
of fresh turned fields,
the deer in tandem lines
of frank pursuit,
eyes and tails and striped heads
shining with unscratchable glory
in their hallowed moment,
shrinkwrap of rain on glaze
on the talking highways

to smoke beneath the mud nests
on the seams of bridges
that blink at their twin
in parallel, deep in the unheard sound
of unmistakable God.

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Drones with painted wings
over the subdued cities
the screaming and burning
of powerful money
smoldering in its own clutches
dimes raked into glowing heaps
by processions of pimped out
shit eaters.

No embrace unbroken
no pillar undiminished
no place of peace
in this kingdom of thieves
paid to put love in a test tube
and winningly snuff it out.

Fuck this whole landscape of humanity
fuck this frozen shard of shit
hemmed in by financial transactions.

Fuck the herds of the obedient
enslaved by life
enslaved by thin blood
and threat of nonexistence
fuck your dream of escape.

This is our own sloppy
yet strangely meticulous hell
that we built as a fucking fetish
that we built as a throne of disease
and I condemn
with the error of my departure
or swallow deep to hold
in my intestines
like a diminutive ship of light
that won't fucking leave,

Saturday, May 06, 2023

The fallen fig tree
calls to a gone fast year

of spirits walking with
sky scraping stilts

on a blue horizon

my granite bench floating
on a shore of suds
has been interrupted
by a yellow wind
a thick stump yielded to ivy
a quick yawn of cherry skies
over the fisherman's perch

a chimney stacked up
to a cloud's tongue
the graft of motel utopia
love made in a neon slice
while the microwave plays classical
and the waterline's blood of clay
chalk-marks the vein of day
phone rakes the groaning mechanical acres
a holographic pocket
calls to the fig tree's maker.

Friday, May 05, 2023

Bring your taint to me,
flag the candles
with neon halos
to surround the flames,
let the schedules
of the transport

Let the sun light up
the scars of a marble floor
what was clustered
from the trash of old.

Let the arc of tied up rays soar down
through shattered stadiums
let the statues brawl.