Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A mask of radiant fists
holds the resisting fibers.
Fingers curled toward
the dead light
of a heart besieged.

Flowers from the arteries
that mushroom into
blind gold.

A vessel that moves
only enough to speak
or the sides of a vast ark
splitting and bleating.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Where do we find
the love of peeling paint
in the breath of tragedy

the slings and barbs
of hot air balloons lifting off,
into the sun we cursed
through the clouds we believed in.

Playgrounds for the aged
floating on celestial rivers
stars deleting gaps
threading a particle's mystery

chain link holds
the dancer's bones
the letter and formula laid
of an ocean's crashing

the drowned tree's lady
arms and legs
a kiss of fading leather.

Friday, March 26, 2021


I can see the half in shadow
and the bright divided and waning
through the open door.

Wet fenceposts in muddy clusters
pouring out of a tunnel's mouth.
Leaves and painted medicines
wrapped around the edges
of disappearing walls.

Tools and their energy of bone
left drying on the rim
of a fountain.

Dusk gushing over the passageway
where it all departed
under a fungal glaze.

Monday, March 22, 2021


Bring to me flowers
from the hillside,
from the cedar cleft
from the willing boughs,
snapping and riding
pour your selfhood out on me
with soft ridges that can't
grit together.
Shiny wagon comes for my bones
cutting through the grids of green
screen rumbling above the underground tunnel
warbling like crippled sperm
in a sealed egg world.

Friday, March 19, 2021

They are watching fake fighters
fight a fake fight.
The dome sways
with computerized effort.
Cameras move on cue to watch
without eyes what is not happening.

Roots pushing out
from a fractured wall
pulsing like the tongues of snakes.
Arenas that kaleidoscope
from the heart of the main stage

ropes that twang with a sad laugh
and an elated gasp
as the clown has been punched out
and keeps rising
backward to the fore.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The star smashed glass
singing through concrete levels
my girl of wires and curtains
from days when I was touched
by clouds and the claws of bubbles.

Cemeteries lined up
by a shoreline kit string.
Fossils and ghosts laughing
up into the sky.
The table is laid bare with light
the room is open wide
the doors are putty waves
and ribbon tongues

my sheets are flying through the halls
the windows are aware of time
a milky way of sandy bulbs
gathering at docks without legs
afloat on reflection.
Streets burned into the scalp
of the planetary cousin.

Rails overlooking
with their crooked lenses
kept in the scope that glued them there
shining with the density
of the blind sun.

Over the forks of green
and escaping railroads
across the rubber fields
and stalks of rustling grain
basketball blackboards and empty hoops
where the wind is talking.
Coming out of the wide
soapstone walls
of a wild palace
nostrils ringed with aerospace hair.

Oval frames of gold
photographing space.

Yarns unweaving the bronze
Symmetry of leaves
dancing through stain glass air.

Rippling hills under horse-leapt fences.
The tears of breaking ice cream parlors
on a car-swept face.

Friday, March 05, 2021

I couldn't find a place among the people.
They washed me with salt but the grime
would not come off.

Lines of sun flow over me
in my gored unicorn basement.
Screens flicker from the corners
where a skeleton fell.

High up, in the mortar and brick
of the attic, my own ghost walks.
Burnt core of a microwaved butterfly
a tin pan face glinting at a malicious mirror.
Ruts that deepen into valleys
glittering with crushed coal and fool's gold.
The wood mask of pink flesh
conjuring milky veins from a snowglobe jungle.

Red dusk above wilting stones
hill's aftermath of bones
staring into moonrise.
As the bridges that I cross
rain brick on thundering beaches
and the hollow rind
pops on radiated snow
I still recall her spray of echoes
in a vine becoming song
an electrical racket
makes my way
a spoonful of fireworks
and ruddy bass
that she serves.

Sun's bent shriek
on a waterfall mirror
with a lizard's tongue
where I come awkwardly
to nip at bread
her ring of arms and mortar.
Pulling up her long scarves
and entwined tendrils
slick beneath the pubis
deep money leaves painting
with a fang, a capped whip
and a pepper.

Pasted furs and spiked hat
black ballerina slamming a garage door.

Limo sliding out of the woods
an airport strobe
flashing against her eyelashes,

my spent sheath dangling
from her anklet,
nail flick like a cloth wrapped claw
her laundered sense of cool.
Birds, blue-ribbon ways
steer me far
from the golden edge.

Fringe fences rotting into swampland
disc lights in the invaded sky.

Blue night in frills and thighs
commanding my blood to service.
Dark lips finding
what was bone and skeleton's verse,
high descending plumes
some asteroid glory
or comet fiend
finding love in fire.