Saturday, January 28, 2017

I anchor my life to a cloud
and I am wheeled away.
Days in the painter's cabin
conceiving of nothingness
draped in endless purple.

Cutting thought from sad flesh
wind tapering into the aftermath.
Clothed pinnacles towering wheat.
Knuckles on the dashboard
highways eating mud
high orange needles manifesting
through the dark narrow tree'd roads.

Bridges of the concrete eagle
cracking the glass of city hall's door.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fountain body, blood spring of leaves
and thorn-led acres, skin trash
picking copper from the moon
under colorless siege, the sun's
sand-printed scimitar, a lone wasp
sweeping ten-mile hallways
with red palms of torn hands,
food codes in the oblivion dome,
the smiling lion at rest, snow's heat
at the spine of his back,
taped pages of stomped-out speech,
carpet's highway of balding maps,
year's creases burning through
to overwhelming light, and digital time
in an orange gravy, stapling
signed corn ears to a dancing frog.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bright flow of broken sky
feathering on slates to write
the end of life,
xylophone porches dangling wheat,
kissed fur and whipped fur melting eyes
from the ancient glacier's interior,
refrigerated doors protruding tusks,
drums on roofs of stored grain,
boxed-in ribs burning through
the flesh of a fat white belly,
spear tips scrawling in cursive
on the hull of an evil ship,
unraveled hands dangling on busted keys,
a riot of geese in chalk dust halls,
twitching assemblies repainted
in gasoline glories, meteors
furrowing the careful
narcissistic graveyards,
mate carrying mate
into the caverns of blue fire.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Curtains melting on the sun
let through the tinkling ice
from cracked and flowing beyond.

Dunes of plastic salt
surrounding the disabled fuckers.

Slashes that bleed bodies
through the grid's wide fabric.
Those injured by non-earth
limp past

to a basement at the bottom
of a small pond.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

In the hollows of ornate empty space
that the body hides,
I place petals with no messages
dripping sulfur, curling on the fire of my bones,
draping the angles with velvet heat,
all earth's trees leading up to a skull
in which the fat of whales and tinker toys are
calculated by a musical laundromat
depositing cigars and masked lips
on the wet concrete's
fractured infinity.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Ribbons roll the sky
she left behind and cleft
from what was closed.
Dawn tapping the earth
from clay-gloved fingers,
birds falling off into woe.
Voices softly sharing harmony
above a picnic table,
bodies of water turned
upside down surrounding
them kissing slime'd air.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ice floes caught in the bramble river
trembling on thorns
light tapping corners
sky's crunch touching time
blood feathers in the frozen walls
of death's civilization
shelves thin as hair
give way like vagina
houses spinning like dice
items of cared-for exhibitionist history
falling from the dock's city
bright warships wretchedly ripped
and eating the dog shit of their deaths
in the oily, luxuriant
earth water.
Lemongrass highway glowing
cat teeth on the bright fiber optic tips
brown sky raining heat on tap water lakes
broken rocks on the earth's core teeth
long alien tunnels erupting salt
to the fire-branded surface
thirsty trees in the grip of flailing power lines
cones of meat and wood
plunging through wide veins of slain atmosphere
lifting buckets of painted blood
searing blades on the announcement screens
bend to flick hairs they scraped
from the heads of running monks
hills part for the footpath
of a screaming escapee
in the programmed wind.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Bright empty wheels silkscreen
my circulatory body, lifting
wires from satin, pushing shores
of clay from volcanic sand,
flashing alphabets erased
from the backstage eyelids
pulling golden ropes
as they punctuate a graveyard forehead
with leaking light
cracked slates crushed chalk
dust the suit of a corpse
in a strawberry patch
near a jug on a porch
that is holding the dark milk blood
of the myriad galaxies'
alive candelabra.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Terror reflected in the afternoon moon
sun on the armor of daylight
shells that shake the trees
fires blooming in the palm of a hand
bark suits and lichen eyes
computer circuit shields rain spat on
palace doors opening a redwood
moistened eyes on the longest limb
reaching sky or ground
as the earth rejects its seeds
and the golden frames of wide rivers
are stripped by the water's grief
wrapped in lava's robes
and pierced by a thimble.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Slate roof tells the sky's paint lightly
long paths up the hills are tarred and furred
footprints filling up with hail
blades on the eyes of a stone god
lakes of rice and almond milk
draining over the highway salt
mythical hands on the handgrip bronze
that feeds bullets flat noses
and sells needles to the chimney sweeper
backflips on a burning lawn
tubs rattling grain
fish bang in the interrupted corridors
sleep curls on chrome embankments
pouting tits under dissipating skies
ripped faces unwilling to cry to anyone
gathering under the eaves of a bombed-out temple
sex idols clamoring wheat in the temporary time

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My crazy lemon with her
crazy old lady teeth
black gummed frenzy across
the grey ashed floor
chasing the echo of
a rat or squirrel
pebbles and peanut foam
in the darkening wall
field opening a face to the split hair
of galaxy crushed and ice
forest gleamed eyes of fear
stirring in the waterglass,
commas hollowing
tipped air.

Monday, January 09, 2017

A failed self-redeemer
I am lost among polarities
seeing the value in wrongness
protecting a fit
shelving costume after costume
on what turns out to be
a janitor's windowsill
freshly shined with strong chemicals
a face coming out of the ice wind
a juggernaut of grins on porcelain floors
listing toward the feedback with a bucket
floating book after book on the cemetery walk
watching fountains from a bench of exploded rock
curved for the sleeping alien head
that hear branches in granite.
Suspended in falling leaves
the flying body gathers
universal wind, atomic eyes
leering back from a tar pit
of water.  Reflected weight
dashing its symetry
in a fit of essence.
Cloth idols encompassing skin.
River side paths burned
to a crisp by angelic feet.
The sky hung with errant banners.
Death on a wheel dripping spikes
of lily's hammer
tagging stones with
powdered wounds.
The moon is a low yellow bucket of blood.
In the markets, in the casket, dull shine
still goes on, thuddingly low
on cascading merchandise,
while the teddy bear drips with eyes.

Purple outskirts roll back
over underground chimneys
and sunken leafy wells.
Porches leer toward vacant water,
the endless sky is restless.

Man's habits and ideas have
run their full course, and now
he will banish himself.

Saturday, January 07, 2017


Gardens and farm paddocks plants and water weeds
kingfishers and magpies soldiers entwined writhing parentage
the line of a naked arm
the tender flowers growing from the dark
the cat stalks vertical architecture
bearing strawberries in a matted-row system
infected with clubroot, her mouth lipsticked to match the end of time.

Friday, January 06, 2017


Palisades wrapped in newspaper
stuck to oiled wood
by the blood of the earth
eyes above the whittled spikes
man in a torn bikini
grimacing with hate


Boom boom booty for my mouth
and nose and cock to fuck!
Ferns trembling in the corners
of the dining gardens.
Skylights ruptured by blue paint
submerging sky.  Jokes of falling death
on the speckled ladders.
And her walk by which even
the stereo waves would warp and
bow down to.

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Rip a body from the day
that wafts down through iron realms
vomiting forced laughter.

Rip a body from the day that comes
bringing nothing.  Rip a body
from that day and a bunch
of cloth soaked in fever sweat
that gets stuck in its mouth
among the clouds, where
no spirits swim.

And fuck that day.
Lanterns crawled over the flesh
a tower of teeth
grey garments soaked in night pools
the right haircut for a corpse
a silence disclosed by the lips
torn fibers of fluorescent optics boom
glinting home on a garbage plane
watching sun flip the cracked road
and the flying moon eat estate
shut this world barnacle hole
flush it blood throated
with the blood of many
unmissed persons.
Luckless red rock
  our modern color words
     nascent eyes show the female's mantle cavity, and
              the ceiling in strands
               weight of a grain of rice near one of her oviducts

the planting of synthetic names
    blind mouths, wounded prey
              most of the light in the sky

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Hillsides crammed with
cabins on a scorched edge
hillsides mapped by blowjob sites
and wheelbarrow routes
hillsides run with beer discarded
cans and tiny bottles running with trash
sand and ash eat the altars
embers blacken on the bouncing stairs
the tops of her feet are hillsides
collapsing in my eyelid's thump.

Circuits over the tar paths
suggest stars.
We have our dressing room it's just like living in a mobile home
wall-to-wall red shag and air conditioning with a double bed
and we have our own brother for people to live in
lots of circuses painted silver
I live on the circus
only circus people get to go there
and play on it